SPRINGviewer Privacy Policy

Personal info

For us, "personal information" means information which either directly identifies you (like your name, email address, or billing information) or can be reasonably linked or combined to identify you (like an account identification number or IP address). We’ll always tell you what personal information we’re collecting from you. See each product’s Privacy Notice for specific details.

Any information that falls outside of this is "non-personal information."

If we store your personal information with information that is non-personal, we will consider the combination as personal information. If we remove all personal information from a set of data then the remaining is non-personal information.

How we collect info

SPRINGviewer does not collect any "personal information".

Tracking technologies

SPRINGviewer does not use any tracking technics".

When we share your info

SPRINGviewer does not share any information of you.

How we store your info

SPRINGviewer does not store any information of you.


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