Numerical simulation models

Ecological issues, renaturation

Our services at a glance:

  • Models as an instrument for renaturation measures of water-dependent ecosystems, e.g. running waters, moors
    • Conceptual models for area analysis, mission statement development, concept development
    • Detailed models for planning, object planning
    • Continuation of models for management, preservation of evidence, success control of measures, monitoring
  • Transient consideration of water supply and water level fluctuations
    • by transient determination of the daily groundwater recharge
    • transient calculation of the resulting daily groundwater flow conditions
  • Forecast calculations for the future water supply
    • on the basis of various climate scenarios
    • for different measure scenarios
Request selected references

When peatlands are to be restored, various objectives can be pursued (e.g. climate protection, stabilization of the landscape water balance, increase in biodiversity). The pivotal point is the rewetting of the peatland, i.e. that the peatland or groundwater levels are permanently as close as possible (< 30 cm) to the ground surface. Numerical modeling is a suitable tool for assessing the general feasibility of rewetting and, in the further course of the project, for planning the necessary measures, first conceptually and later in detail. Once created, the model can accompany the project implementation and also support subsequent monitoring and success control.

Reference projects:

  • Improvement of water management and water quality in the area of the Bourtanger Moor Nature Park
  • Ecological transformation of the Emscher
  • Reduction of water management and ecological adverse effects on the Mommbach resulting from subsidence
  • Ecological improvement of the Boye
  • Ecological improvement of the Dorneburger Mühlenbach
  • Ecological improvement of the Hahnenbach