Numerical simulation models


Our services at a glance:

  • Compiling environmental compatibility studies
  • Prediction of the groundwater situation influenced by ground level subsidence
  • Groundwater monitoring (to accompany coal mining)
  • Hydraulic engineering planning
  • Water planning
  • Interaction between surface water and groundwater
  • Long-term effect of flooding
  • Flooding of a coal mine
  • Groundwater quality
  • Flood protection
  • Creation of digital terrain models
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Controlling the groundwater is of essential importance in coalmining problems. Reason: The resulting mine subsidence decreases the ground surface level more than the groundwater – This results in water-logged areas. In general this will require extensive dewatering measures - for example drainage systems, wells or sheet piles - in order to protect man, agriculture and buildings sustainably from water logging and prevent extensive damage. Raising the ground level may also provide an adequate protection.
We will support you in detecting the impact of mine subsidence on the groundwater situation in your area under investigation and we will develop individual solutions for you.

Always with a view to preventing adverse effects of mining
- today and in the future.