Numerical simulation models

groundwater redevelopment

Our services at a glance:

  • Recommendation of suitable redevelopment methods
  • Assessment of the Natural Attenuation
  • Prediction of the spreading of pollutants
  • Calculation of the reactive mass transport
  • Water balancing
  • Analysis of the fluid lines
  • Prediction of seepage water
  • Design of tracer tests
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Groundwater is one of the most valuable goods in the hydrological circle and must therefore be protected. This makes it all the more important to select an environmentally compatible and economical decontamination method when environmental pollution or existing waste deposits are involved – for example near landfills or former industrial areas.

Our methods of modelling help you select a redevelopment method which exactly fits the toxic condition and the groundwater situation of your project. We provide you with all data important for your planning and assist you in the definition of the hazard assessment and the redevelopment method.