Numerical simulation models

Why choose Us?

Mining.Effective safety for man and environment.

We will support you in detecting the impact of mine subsidence on the groundwater situation in your area under investigation.

Effective Planning

Water supply.Optimal use of valuable groundwater.

We support you in the planning of water production plants that meet the legal standards of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

Why choose Us?

Building projects.Intelligent and safe planning of groundwater drainage.

We will establish, especially for your local groundwater situation, a suitable unsteady groundwater or building drainage.

Why choose Us?

Groundwater redevelopment.Sustainable solutions.

Our methods of modelling help you select a redevelopment method which exactly fits the toxic condition and the groundwater situation of your project.

Effective Planning

Geothermal Energy.Innovation through research

Apart from the geothermal potential, we also analyse the impact of its later use on the groundwater situation.

Why choose Us?

Software.Based in our DNA.

For more than 40 years we have been developing our software system for complex planning tasks in numerical modelling.

Why choose Us?

Visualization.Convincing by visuals.

Our renderings help to interpret your problem in an understandable way and to illustrate complex processes even to a non-specialist audience.

Why choose Us?

Groundwater Recharge.High resolution in space and time.

Why choose Us?

Density Processes.Effects on groundwater flow.